Title: The Vitruvian Man Author: Reeza (aoireeza) Word count: 100 words Concrit?: sure. :D Pairing: JaeChun Rating: PG Summary: YooChun is charcoal on paper and JaeJoong is oil pastel on charcoal. It works that way. (for dbsk_flashfic @ drabble challenge 4: paint)
Title: magnum opus Author: ianinna Word count: 200 Concrit?: yes, please. Pairing: jaejoong/yoochun Summary: ...a masterpiece that only his and yoochun’s eyes could see. Author's Notes: i don't really know where this came from, but yeah. here you go. for
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Title: Evidence in Paint Author: morninglory17 Word count: 100 Concrit?: I guess so. Pairing: Jaesu Author's Notes: This is my first drabble; 100 words is hard to do. But thanks for reading. >.<